🍞 The Sourdough Framework
The Sourdough Framework goes beyond just recipes and provides you a solid knowledge foundation, covering the science of sourdough, the basics of bread making, and advanced techniques for achieving the perfect sourdough bread at home.
Creating this book has been a labor of love. My main goal has always been to spread the joy of baking and empower bread enthusiasts like yourself. To ensure that the book remains accessible to everyone, I have decided to make it available free of charge.

⭐ Support this project
Producing and maintaining resources like this requires considerable time, effort, and financial investment. If you find value in "The Sourdough Framework" and appreciate the effort that went into creating it, I kindly request your support through a donation or by considering the purchase of the hardcover version of this book.
Your generous contribution will not only help me cover the costs associated with this project but will also enable me to continue creating more valuable content in the future. Your donation is entirely voluntary and any amount you contribute is deeply appreciated. If you are unable to make a donation at this time, please know that your readership and support in spreading the word about "The Sourdough Framework" are invaluable contributions as well.
Thank you for being a part of this journey, and I hope that "The Sourdough Framework" enriches your bread-making adventures. Together, we can continue to share the love of baking and cultivate a community passionate about the art of sourdough.
⬇️ Versions
You can either browse through this website or download the full book to read it on your preferred device:
PDF: https://www.the-bread-code.io/book.pdf
PDF (no serif): https://www.the-bread-code.io/book-sans-serif.pdf
EPUB: https://www.the-bread-code.io/book.epub
EPUB black & white: https://www.the-bread-code.io/bw-book.epub
Short TL;DR version: https://the-bread-code.io/book-tldr-digital.pdf
Short TL;DR version (print): https://the-bread-code.io/book-tldr-print.pdf
Sauce code: https://www.github.com/hendricius/the-sourdough-framework. Contributions and improvements are highly appreciated!
Thank you and may the gluten be strong with you,

Version: February 8, 2025